Hidden Bird Houses Behind Northgate Library

by | Aug 20, 2018 | Northgate, Structure


When you walk behind Northgate Library, you might not notice the small, colorful birdhouses perched atop posts in the woods. But these birdhouses are not your average backyard birdfeeder. They’re the work of Linda Wysong, a local artist who has been creating public art in the Seattle area for more than 30 years. The birdhouses are part of a project called “Housing for All,” which was funded by the Wallace Grantor Trust in memory of M. Marvin Wallace. The trust contributed $10,000 to the project, which also included a benches and a kiosk with information about the project and the artist. The birdhouses are designed to provide shelter for birds, bees, and other small animals. They’re also meant to be a source of enjoyment for humans, who can appreciate the beauty and creativity of the birdhouses up close.



8/20/2018 – There is a little trail that leads to the bird houses from 105th street. As I took this path, I came across a little stream of water trickling through the woods. A homeless gentleman was making his bed for the night under the canopy   of trees. In a city filled with parking lots, he found himself a tranquil little spot to rest his head away for the rush of the city (With the exception of a random guy lurking in the woods in camera).  


